Understanding Ticket Categories, Priority, and Status

Understanding the components of a ticket is crucial for effectively submitting support tickets and managing expectations regarding the ensuing actions. For instance, choosing an incorrect ticket type or category may result in delays, as different priority levels are assigned to various ticket categories.

Ticket Categories (or Ticket Types)

Ticket Priorities

Ticket Status

Ticket Categories (or Ticket Types)

Ticket categories, also ticket types, aid support teams in allocating tickets to team members and provide insights into which support areas attract the most attention.

  • Content Updates - Used when there isn't an issue, but there is a request to add or modify content on your website.
  • Email Issues/Reset - Used when there is a technical problem with your email account(s) or when you need a password reset. 
  • Website Issues - Used when there is a technical problem with the display or function of your website. This does not include typos or grammatical errors.
  • Feature Request - Use this to request a new feature or functionality for your website.


Ticket Priority

Ticket priority informs the support team about the urgency of an issue, ensuring that the appropriate level of urgency is assigned to each matter. This becomes especially crucial when the support team is dealing with a large volume of support tickets.

  • Low - For requests or issues that do not require immediate attention and may be placed on hold if higher priority items exist. This is typically used for Feature Request ticket type. There is no timeframe for resolution.
  • Medium - Requests that require a resolution within 3 days or less. These are typically content updates.
  • High - Requests that are very important and need to be addressed within 1 day. 
  • Critical - This is reserved for any service that is down or not working and should be working. The resolution time is ASAP.


Ticket Status

The status of a support ticket tells the support team and clients what state the issue is being addressed. This allows for both parties to remain up to speed on the progress of support tickets.

  • New - A ticket has been submitted and possible assigned, but has not been viewd by a support team member
  • Waiting Reply - The support team is waiting on a reply from the client. Usually it's for a request for more information or the results of a test.
  • Replied - Used to show that the client or support team member has replied to a message. 
  • In Progress - Indicates that a resolution to the support ticket is underway.
  • On Hold - Indicates there is something that is preventing forward progress toward a resolution for the support ticket.
  • Resolved - Indicates the issue has been resolved or that there was no issue and ticket was created in error or client resolved the issue themselves.


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